QR Code Services To Local Businesses

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What is a QR Code and how does it work?

QR Codes are considered to be the safest way to share accurate information. Typing makes you make mistakes. With QR Codes you don't have to type anything… you just need to scan a QR Code and the information will be sent accurately.

Typing takes way longer than scanning a QR Code, and you would need to add the timing of going back and forth reading, typing and fixing typos.

A QR Code takes just a few seconds to access, and you get the information you need Instantly and accurately.

What is the difference between a static QR and a dynamic one?

The biggest difference between the two is that the dynamic QR code can be edited even after being printed, and the static one cannot.
Therefore, the dynamic QR code allows us to change both the function and the content at any time and as many times as we want.

Another big difference is that dynamic QR code allow you to collect statistics on the scans made in order to get as much information as possible.

If you have a bar or restaurant,a Menu type of dynamic QR code is for you. No more reprinting menus every time you make a modification.



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